Sunday, October 3, 2010


1. No bargaining as the price has already been set to the lowest possible.
2. No last minute cancellation of order after you have transferred your money to as the product would already be in the process of shipping or air mail over to Singapore.
3. No refund once the order has been confirmed.
4. No exchange of items.
5. No reservation of items. Items are sold on a first come first serve basis. The items would only be considered yours after payment has been made.
6. By Air mail addtional S$200
7. By shipping, (at your own risk) We won't pay or refund goods that been high jack or anything else.
8. Waiting time is required after the money has been received as the items would have to be imported from the US.

All our items are brand new. No worries about hygiene issues.


Quote from our supplier: Products are parallel import from different countries with 100% authenticity, not spurious or counterfeit. The reason is our products are all released from the liscensed OEM, which means that all the products were made by the same material, same factory workers & same production line. We specialize in bringing repeat orders, canceled orders, sample orders, export surplus from authorized factories, as well as wholesaler's closeout/factory sales product and bring them directly to you.
For those customers who insist authenticity means to directly purchase from the retail shops, please do not deal with us. I believe you will make your own decision once you personally visit and see the products at our shop.